Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rockin' the World: Day...4?

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. it's been pretty hectic, and it's only the second day! It was really fun posting in the plane, though. turns out we were over Montana.

I did my first competition last night; Monolouge. for those of you who haven't heard it, I talk about my hometown. you know, how there's only one stoplight, the only rush hour (or rather, rush minute) is when the cattle drive comes through town, the deer everywhere. yeah, that one. I wrote it myself. Which is a good thing. (I don't know how many times I heard the foot fetish one! or the Mcdonalds one.) It was also different from most of the other monolouges. it was like Guys, going on dates with guys, getting revenge on guys, a dog, guys, dating a guy, I live two hours from a wal-mart, guys... You get the Idea. it was certianly memorable.

There are also a couple of colleges here (namely, the New York Film Academy, and the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts) who are offering information. it's a really good opportunity to find out about scholarships. I'm interested in both that are here.

Tonight, I have my singing competition. This is the one that I am the most worried about. I'm not America's next top idol, but I'm pretty good. I just hope I can hit all my notes right...

And sadly, Our little mascot for the blog has been lost. see, there was a 3-D Mickey mouse on a wall on the airport... and I was putting the rock monster on his nose for a picture, and he fell in a crack between mickey and the wall. so now I need to get a new rock monster. I think that was our only one, too... (Daniel, don't kill me! It was an accident!)

wish me luck tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. Sounds like it was the Lego kind. Luke had like five colors of those Rock Monsters. They eat these little crystals. I'm sure you know all this already... :-)
